2024 80s Cruise Recap

2024 80s Cruise Recap

Here’s my attempt of a recap of the 2024 80s Cruise. Overall, a wonderful time. Despite falling and slightly spraining my ankle, it was a wonderful time. Another week where we sometimes had to try to figure out when we would have time to eat because there was so much...
Coming Back to Myself

Coming Back to Myself

I’ve been off the ship a week and am still suffering the 80s Cruise Hangover. I look forward to this cruise every year for approximately fifty-one weeks, then we get to go back in time to my favorite decade for one full week. And then we’re thrust back into the...
Strange Days Indeed

Strange Days Indeed

After a week on the 80s Cruise, I’m not sure anything seems as strange as it typically does. On Pop Icon night, for example, there were seven Madonnas lined up in a row, all from different stages of her career. There were two Chers from the “Turn Back Time” video, one...
Trip to DC and Northern Virginia

Trip to DC and Northern Virginia

Russ and I undertook our second road trip in as many months. For two people who say they’re too old to travel like this, we’ve certainly bucked the system this Summer. This time, I drove most of the way up, until we started getting closer to Northern Virginia and the...
On the Road Again

On the Road Again

August was insanely busy for me. In addition to taking the Magic Circle Summer Class with Diane Zinna each weekday from 9-10 a.m. and going to Table Rock Writers Workshop the final week of the month (when I missed the last three days of Magic Circle Summer), Russ and...