Sometimes a blog gets blogged about and this is such a blog. I was recently interviewed by Jenna Steiner Fyffe for her blog Tales From the Backroom, Episode 3, “Notorious… Tales of a Duranie,” wherein she interviews a few of us Duranies and then culminates with the Duraniest of All, Andy “Durandy” Golub. Each of us were asked several questions about how we came to be Duranies, why we’re still Duranies, what being a Duranie means to us. Reading all the answers is admittedly interesting to me. I means, we’re all part of following of this same band, yet the answers are vastly different at times. For kicks, when I was interviewed, I sent my flash fiction essay written in Suzanne Gray’s Flash Fiction class in September as part of my responses. And Jenna actually printed it in its 750-word entirety in her blog, along with several pictures that were taken the night written about in the essay. To say that I was in heaven was an understatement. We also learned that “Headquarters,” the Administration of the Band and the Band Members themselves had the opportunity to read the story before it was published. Wow! So that was a bit of an ego-boost for this writer! Who’s to say if they did read it, or, if they did, if they even liked it. But my name is out there. And in good Duranie company! You can read my piece, “How to Meet Your Favorite Band,” and my other answers, as well as my fellow Duranies’ responses, in Jenna’s piece online. She welcomes comments and shares.

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