It has been a while since I’ve given you an update on my health journey. To be completely honest, there hasn’t been much to tell for the past two months. I quit going to the gym, losing the motivation to go, shortly after getting my new workout outfit in early June. I was still losing a little weight, which made it seem even more difficult to get back into the swing of the gym thing.

Last week, however, I started back, not only to the gym, but also with personal training sessions with Kalen Arnold from Lady Fit Studio in Johnson City. I like going to personal training sessions with Kalen. She keeps me accountable, and we do things other than cardio, which is primarily what I do at the gym.

Back at the gym, I’m walking on an incline of .5 now when I walk. It isn’t anything major, but I can feel the difference in my legs and stomach when I walk. It burns a few more calories, too. I’ll take all of that that I can get. I’ve dipped below 250, which was my original goal weight, a few times in August, and am bouncing between 249-252, currently. My next goal is 225. I’m not in a huge hurry. Maybe by the time we go on the 80’s Cruise in March? I think that’s doable with the lifestyle I’m leading. I’d probably get there faster, if I could learn to like more veggies. It just hasn’t happened, no matter what I have tried. Noom is great for a lot of things, and they have some wonderful #PsychTricks and #PsychTips that I employ daily – I just haven’t figured out how to make myself love veggies. Fruits, heck, yes! Veggies – um, no…

Speaking of fruits (and veggies)… I also bought some juices from White Birch over the weekend. I’m drinking them way too quickly. But they taste so good! (I just wish they didn’t cost $6 each!)

I’m back to drinking at least two liters of water a day, too. My last A1C about a month ago was 5.8, the lowest I’ve had in years. I’m averaging around 110-115 on my glucose readings daily, so I hope to come in even lower on my next A1C, in October.

Staying motivated isn’t easy. But hopefully I’m getting back on track. Thanks to all of you who have been asking how it’s going and who continue to encourage me on my journey.