Reading Minds

Reading Minds

I’ve been reading minds – great minds – and their lush words lately. Part of taking the chapbook class I’m taking with Connie Green is that I’m supposed to read three poems each day. I have failed at this goal miserably for weeks. Up until the past week three-four...
Recent Writing News

Recent Writing News

I’m excited to have a short chapter in a textbook that sees the light of day as a new publication this week from Bloomsbury. Careers in Library and Information Services is edited by Priscilla Shontz. My little chapter, “Author,” is in Part 5: Beyond the...
100 Rejections: My Submissions’ Year in Review

100 Rejections: My Submissions’ Year in Review

I usually aim for 50 Rejections each calendar year with my submissions. I entered a lot of poetry contests with state poetry societies for 2024 – Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina – so I hit 50 Rejections pretty quickly (by April). So I changed my goal to 75...
Writing Update

Writing Update

I’ve not been as diligent about writing s I need to be. I feel like I’m going through the motions, but not getting a whole lot done since I wrapped up my first draft of the short story collection. There’s still a lot to do with it. I just can’t seem to find the...
INTERVIEW: Linda Hooper and Sharon Shadrick

INTERVIEW: Linda Hooper and Sharon Shadrick

What do eighth graders in a small Appalachian town in south-central Tennessee know about the Holocaust? More than you’d imagine.  I just got back from Whitwell, TN, about thirty-five minutes northwest of Chattanooga, where I interviewed co-authors Linda Hooper and...
Writing Update for August – Mid-September

Writing Update for August – Mid-September

I’m staying as busy as ever with writing. I’ll list the activities I’ve had in August through mid-September, plus any awards or publications I’ve been notified about. Listing is the easiest way to do it and have it make any sense, trust me, lol! Activities: August 5 –...