- Work half-ass on something and tell yourself you put your all into it.
- Submit your work (even your finest), to a publication that receives hundreds or thousands of responses in one reading period and then come down hard on yourself if it doesn’t get picked up.
- Tell yourself that a streak of bad luck means that your writing is just not good enough.
- Feel sorry for yourself when you get a rejection.
- Take rejection personally.
- Say that you’re going to submit your work but stay busy doing anything and everything else so that it doesn’t get done.
- Compare our writer selves to others.
- Don’t do the work, then wonder why we’re not achieving our goals.
- Don’t go to conferences, readings, workshops, etc., where we can learn more about craft, then wonder why we seem to know so little about craft.
- Decline working with writing groups, only to feel like writing is the loneliest game in town.
- Don’t read others’ books or poetry or short stories, etc., then wonder why you feel like you’re starving for words and ideas.
- Judge yourself and your work so harshly, you’re afraid to set it on its way out into the world.
- Convince yourself that your self-worth as a writer depends on writing being published or winning; learn to live in fear of rejection and doubt yourself from the beginning of the process forward.
- Poser syndrome – doubt that you’re even a real writer or that you have anything to say that anyone will want to read.
- Quit going to your 7 a.m. Zoom Group because you’d rather sleep for 45 more minutes, then lie in bed and wonder where the day went (preaching to myself here, friends).
- Talk about how much you need/have to do writing-wise, and marvel that it never happens (as Crystal Wilkinson says, “DO THE WORK!”).
- Put projects on the back burner every time you start making progress because you’re afraid of rejection once the project is finished.
- Spend your days watching a channel of rerun television instead of writing because you’re “not feeling it” today – Monk might need you to help solve that mystery, you know!
- Vulnerability is not your favorite shade – learn to wear it, anyway; it’s hard to get anywhere without it.
- Those cats can’t cuddle by themselves, they need me to lie there and watch rerun TV with them all day.
- Take rejection personally. (Did I say that before? It bears repeating.)
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