When you are a kid, there are some things that words can’t describe. There are some things that even feelings don’t quite cover. When you’re Chrissie, those things are most commonly connected to music.

Tonight, I got to see Christopher Cross in concert with my buddy Kandy, at The Paramount, in Bristol, TN. When I say “Christopher Cross,” most people would say one of two or three things: 1) King of Yacht Rock; 2) “Sailing;” 3) “When you get caught between the moon and New York City — the best that you can do is fall in love!”

There’s far more to the man and to the artist than these things, though. I remember in 2020 when he got covid. He had a long and tough recovery. One that was questionable at all. He revealed tonight that, after doing this for 40 yesrs, he really doesn’t do interviews anymore, because people ask the same questions over and over — and he gets tired of answering the same questions over and over. He also told a little bit about how he got started with music as a kid, in part because his father had been a musician. His father had also been an alcoholic. No doubt, music served as a balm for both of them.

He sang numerous songs. Mostly from the album celebrating its 40th anniversary. And he added a few others in, too. Some were familiar to me, while others were new, but overwhelmingly captivating, especially “Dreamers.”

What captivated me most, though, was his final song. Completely off of my radar, if I’m going to be honest. It was the absolute perfect curtain-call song! When I was in middle school, before I got my boom box for Christmas, in 1984, I would listen to this song on a not-so-great AM/FM radio that I often hid under my pillow at night — because I wasn’t supposed to listen to the radio after “lights-out.” I loved this song so much. It always made me cry because it was about a girl whose life ended far too soon, tragically. I never watched Luke and Laura on TV (that wasn’t one of my soaps). I didn’t know their story. But I knew my own. And in those days, on those nights, I thought of Laura a lot. I hadn’t done so in a very long time. Until tonight. Thank you so much, Christopher Cross. I know she’d want it that way.