Surreal Childhoods

Surreal Childhoods

I was awakened this afternoon by a Facebook call from one of my cousins. I hadn’t heard his voice in several years, not since Mom passed away, five years ago this coming week. “Remember when I lived in that tent? How old was I? I can’t remember.”  He said that his new...
Writing Update

Writing Update

Spring! The flowers are blooming, and the trees have budded. It is high allergy season, and my eyes and nose are feeling it. Know what else Spring is? It’s time for lots of writing contest deadlines, conferences, and retreats. While I could live without the fine layer...
Publishing Course – Part 2

Publishing Course – Part 2

If you read last month’s blogs, you know that I was in a really amazing Publishing Class with Diane Zinna and reported on the first half of the class in my February blog. Since my blogs are due to my webmaster on the 15th of each month to give him time to get them...
80’s Cruise 2023

80’s Cruise 2023

Each year, I face certain daunting tasks once we return from the 80’s Cruise: getting all of the pics and videos posted to share with my friends on Facebook; getting unpacked (I still have our two largest suitcases to go and we have been home for ten days now); and...
“One for the Mockingbird”

“One for the Mockingbird”

Sitting here trying to write blogs that are a week overdue, blasting my new Cutting Crew album in the office and crying, overwhelmed with emotion by the amazing life I have. I’ve always loved the song “One for the Mockingbird” by Cutting Crew. It was...
Bed-Making Memories

Bed-Making Memories

Bed-Making Memories – March 22, 2023 Covering the bed with the duvet is an easy matter after the boomeranging back and forth of fighting the fitted sheets over the deep-pocketed mattress and running back and forth, side to side, top to bottom, to ensure that all sides...