May 15, 2022 | Writing Life
I first met Ron Houchin at the Appalachian Writers Workshop in Hindman, KY, in 2009, I believe – it was first year at Hindman. He was one of the first people I remember seeing. He always wore a ballcap of some sort, t-shirt, and faded jeans. If there was ever anyone...
May 3, 2022 | Writing Life
Every once in a while, I sit in on a session of writing prompts provided by Nickole Brown and her wife, Jessica Jacobs. Only occasionally, because they’re poetry prompts. And there are wicked-talented professional-level poets who tune in for this group and I feel...
Apr 25, 2022 | Business, Memoir
Most of us are familiar with the concept of paying it forward – doing a kindness in return for a kindness paid to you. There was a great movie called Pay It Forward with the kid from The Sixth Sense in it. But did you know that there is an actual holiday for it?...
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