If I Could Have Any Other Talent

If I Could Have Any Other Talent

I’m actually pretty comfortable with the talents I have. God gave me the ability to sing pretty well (which I ought to do more often, as there are lots of notes and ranges that I can no longer hit because I haven’t kept in practice as I should). He gave me a penchant...
Duran Duran for the New Year

Duran Duran for the New Year

As most of you know, I have not been so much into Duran Duran in 2022. But tonight, they were on Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve. (Why do they insist upon continuing to call it that when Dick Clark has been dead and gone for a decade now? We all know who Ryan...
My Top Thirteen Moments of 2022

My Top Thirteen Moments of 2022

13) Plantation Tour in Jamaica on Cruise with Lynne Bishop. It was a fun-tastic day with lots of culture, beauty, and laughter along the way. 12) Taking Kandy to IKEA for the first time! Epic fun with my fantabulous friend! 11) Mildred Haun Conference – first...
My “Old Long Since”

My “Old Long Since”

Even as a child, I cried when I heard the song, “Auld Lang Syne.” As an adult, I chalk it up to knowing that there is within me, life from literally that sense of “Old Long Since,” a time long gone by, from Scotland, who always knew and comprehended the meaning of...
The Need for a Tree

The Need for a Tree

Some years, Christmas is hard. Sometimes, it isn’t the most wonderful time of the year at all. For whatever reasons. This year has been very difficult for me to find and completely engage the holiday spirit for more than a few hours at a time. It started before we...
Remembering Sophie Britannia

Remembering Sophie Britannia

Many thanks to the fine family of pet professionals at Jones Animal Hospital for helping our Sophie Britannia cross over the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. Words cannot express my gratitude to them, or my sense of loss over Ms Sophie right now. Russ was there with me,...