INTERVIEW: Linda Hooper and Sharon Shadrick

INTERVIEW: Linda Hooper and Sharon Shadrick

What do eighth graders in a small Appalachian town in south-central Tennessee know about the Holocaust? More than you’d imagine.  I just got back from Whitwell, TN, about thirty-five minutes northwest of Chattanooga, where I interviewed co-authors Linda Hooper and...
Thousand-Year Floods

Thousand-Year Floods

This is the second thousand-year flood I have skirted. The first was two years ago when I was trapped for a few hours at the Hindman Settlement School in Hindman, KY, at the Appalachian Writers Workshop. I didn’t leave my safe place high on the hill in Preece to go...
Running Late

Running Late

Picture it. Emory & Henry College, circa 1989-1993. I was never on time for anything. Except usually my period. When I told my Mom I wanted to Rush in order to be in a Sorority, he was unfamiliar with the lingo and sarcastically replied, “Why? You’ve never been in...
Sandy Peters

Sandy Peters

Sandra Hill Peters was born on April 8, 1942, and died on July 18, 2024. She was preceded in death by her husband Arthur Russell Peters, on April 22, 2024. She is survived by a sister, Hilda, in Florida, and a brother, Stan, in Kentucky. She is survived by her...
Surfside Beach

Surfside Beach

This year’s girls’ trip to Surfside Beach was more relaxed than some years have been. This was the fourth year that Becky Rangel and I have been and the third year that Kandy has been able to join us. We left on Sunday, July 28 (I’d been home from Hindman one day),...
Michigan – Chicago Trip

Michigan – Chicago Trip

On June 24, Russ and I set out for our second-annual Michigan-Chicago trip. The trip up vexed me – at the last minute, Russ decided to go up through Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio, instead of my family’s traditional trip up the West Virginia Turnpike. I’ve never traveled...