Fiction Writing Workshop Bibliograpy

Fiction Writing Workshop Bibliograpy

Mildred Haun Conference Fiction Writing Workshop “Creating More Memorable Characters” Bibliography   Creative Works: The Hawk’s Done Gone by Mildred Haun The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter by Sharyn McCrumb “The Brier’s Sermon” by Jim Wayne Miller Working It Off in...
Fiction Writing Workshop Bibliograpy

Calls for Submission

Mildred Haun Review – Deadline is March 27, 2021. See the details by clicking the “Call for Submissions” link at the bottom of the page at  Writers of Grace Writing Contests – Deadline for 2021 is February 28,...
Abingdon Olive Oil Company

Abingdon Olive Oil Company

Several years ago when I was selling Mary Kay, we used to earn monthly surprises for sells over certain amounts. One month, my Director, Lyn, took me to a new place in Abingdon, VA, called the Olive Oil Company, followed by dinner just around the street corner at 128...
Weight And See

Weight And See

Well, this month’s recap on my weight loss journey will likely be a short one. Mostly because I’m up to my keister in trying to get everything to come together for the Mildred Haun Fiction Workshop that I’m leading on Saturday, February 13, 2021.  Also because,...
New Attitude

New Attitude

Two weeks ago, on January 4, I went for my quarterly check-up with my regular physician. I have several health issues, as most of you probably know.

Memory (In Memory of Dr. William C. Robinson)

Memory (In Memory of Dr. William C. Robinson)

I remember the semester that Russ and I were planning our wedding and I was taking Social Sciences with Dr Bill Robinson in my Masters classes online through UTK and working full-time in my then-new job at Northeast State Community College. Somehow, no matter the...