Oct 15, 2022 | Writing Life
I seldom share my actual writing in these blogs. Mostly, that’s because if I do, I can’t enter the writing into contests or submit them other places for publication because if I make them available via Facebook or via blogs/personal websites, regardless of how...
Sep 21, 2022 | Writing Life
I was able to attend the Table Rock Writers Group in Little Switzerland, NC, from August 28-September 2. I was told about the Memoir class specifically by my dear friend Darnell Arnoult, who was slated to teach the Memoir class. So I signed up for Memoir, excited to...
Sep 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
You’re welcome to your opinions. I’m allowed mine, too. Plans that have been in the works for decades are being carried out to the letter. Out of respect, out of honor, out of dignity to a life lived in service and duty from a young age. Not in perfection,...
Sep 15, 2022 | Writing Life
I have been doing a lot of writing in the past couple of weeks. I wrote some pretty decent starts and dribbles for my memoir about the Epic European (and UK) Excursion at Table Rock Writers from August 29-September 2. But I wrote it all in a notebook and was beginning...
Sep 7, 2022 | Writing Life
When mute words Fall on deaf ears And hard hearts Do not melt, The power we Deny ourselves By not speaking Kills the moment. Unleashing words Must open ears, Must ready hearts For receiving words; To empower each soul, In heart-warmed ways To utter those thoughts And...
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