Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

I went to the doctor’s office last Thursday for my quarterly check-up. My blood pressure was 118/77. Pretty much perfect. Heart rate 90. Mine is always high. Weight 273.6 — down 27 pounds from where I started on January 4. I have 23 pounds left to meet my...
Tennessee Mountain Writers Inc. Conference In Review

Tennessee Mountain Writers Inc. Conference In Review

I attended my first completely online conference this past weekend, when the Tennessee Mountain Writers, Inc. (TMWI) held their annual conference via Zoom. I had attended a TMWI Workshop back in January that was undertaken through Zoom, and it worked seamlessly, so I...
Holding On

Holding On

Last Friday, amid the drama and fanfare of the new refrigerator arriving, I waited on hold with the Sullivan County Health Department for nearly 40 minutes, convinced that I wasn’t really even on hold anymore, just stuck in some sort of never-ending loop, wondering if...
Building Habits

Building Habits

I’ve lost another 10 pounds or so since I last wrote about my weight loss journey for the blog in February. I’m down a little more than 20 pounds overall since I started on January 4, 2021. I’m proud of that. I can fit into jeans again and don’t have to wear sweatpants or pajama bottoms everywhere I go now. I feel like I’m falling behind…

Springing Ahead

Springing Ahead

Everyone else on social media has been showing off their “bloomers” for weeks now. But it seems like everything here at our house has blossomed later than usual. Pictures have popped up on my timeline from last year and the year before where the daffodils that we transplanted from my great-grandparents’ place over on Razor Ridge in Grayson County…

Cruise Mode

Cruise Mode

A year ago this week, “normal” was ending for most of us, as coronavirus was coming into full swing in the US. I was on an 80’s Cruise in the Caribbean, being entertained, fed, and served up drinks to the beat of my youth, trying to wrap my head around how, back at home, people were storming stores for food and hoarding toilet paper.